Thursday, 25 September 2014

Week two weigh in results at Slimming World

1.5lb off this week at chub club 

I'm okay with this seeing as I was coming off the back of my huge first week, it's going down so can't gripe about that.

9.5lb in total lost so far.

It's safe to say I am ON IT lately, as I edge toward the 13s I am finding this is just spurring me on and on to get there. I think it's to much to ask for 4.5 off this week but a girl can hope. That would both put me under 14st AND gain my 1st loss award.

Oh the excitement.
I love this plan so much.

How are YOU getting on?


Thursday, 18 September 2014

Slimming World - Alternative to drinking plain old water.

Now, if like me you are not a big water fan then this post is for you! 

I know cordials/sugar free squash is syn free but let's just forget that for one second while I show you this.. 

This is plain water with frozen berries in it. 
Yes oh yes it was delish, and at the end the berries were defrosted enough to eat. 

Shorty but goody today folks. 
Au Revoir 

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Week one weigh in results at Slimming World.


^^^ yes that says 8 pounds!! ^^^ 

I hopped on those scales tonight and was actually speechless, 8 whole pounds in a week. 
I can't even think of anything else to put except EIGHT POUNDS GONE! 


Sorry for this rather self indulgent and randomly short and albeit weird post 
but I CARE NOT because I lost 8 pounds. 

The End. 


Sunday, 14 September 2014

Joining Slimming World - I went to a group!!

I did it! I joined Slimming World this week. 

I went to a group, I walked in, albeit very nervous and looking like a rabbit in headlights but I did it and that in itself is a blooming huge huge step in the right direction for me. *Victory dance*

I joined on a Tuesday night so my first official day was Wednesday, making today day 5 of my very first week. Here's how it's been going;

Joining group was without doubt one of the most daunting experiences, I walked in that room shaking and looking so lost, but immediately a nice lady said to me "you look lost" I pushed down my natural reaction to turn and run away, say I was in the wrong place, and replied "Hi, I'm new" with that she took me and got me settled into the 'newbies corner' with my application forms and my pack, I thought this was the most kind thing to do as she wasn't even the leader and the leader was currently caught up with other members, had this lady not taken the initiative to help me I would of probably walked out.

The books I received on my sign up 

 "Image Therapy" is what happens after you weigh in, it is optional, and only handful of people stayed for this. I have to be honest and say this is the most cringe worthy thing I have witnessed in a while, everyone gets their moment to say what they have lost this week and so far and the group claps. I do see the benefits, I mean who doesn't love a bit of self indulgence at the things you have achieved, but for me and my anxiety it might be a few weeks before I decide to stay again, talking in front of a group of people would probably kill me lol.

So all that happened, I weighed in at 14st 13.5lb 
I feel like I can write this number here, being as nobody knows me, and really my weight being out there on the big bad internet is incentive enough to shift it, right? Right. Argh.
Anyway that's the ugly truth I was a little taken a back as it was more than I thought.

The last 5 days have been really interesting. I LOVE LOVE this plan.
There it is pure and simple (*sings Hear'Say!*), in 5 short days I already love the way this plan works, I am eating so much food, the right kind of food, and losing weight. I popped on my home scales today and it shows me 7lb down!! Though I know weight can fluctuate through a week so official WI results will be Tuesday evening, but I was hoping for a 4, anything more will have me dancing on the ceiling.

Here's a really quick run down of this plan
You have;
A list of superfree foods and a list of free foods - You can eat these AS MUCH as you desire. Win.
You then have a healthy extra A and B options, I got with milk and 2 slices of wholemeal bread.
Then anything outside of those categories are Syns, you get between 5-15 syns a DAY!

There is minimal weighing and measuring which is a welcome relief if you have been on WW where it is portion controlled so much (I still love you WW!)

To go with these lists the advice is to fill your plate with 1/3 superfree food at every meal, so vegetables, salad and fruit. Which is easier so much easier than it sounds.

All in all I am really enjoying my first week and I am SO full and satisfied, yet, losing weight!!!
Win win win.

I will update my next SW post with some more food related things, and what I've been filling up on etc.

I hope this post wasn't too boring, but if you made it to the end please leave me a message, are you following SW? Are you thinking of joining? Is your anxiety stopping you, I'd be happy to respond to any messages. Don't be a stranger.


Thursday, 4 September 2014

Finding work when you have anxiety... and other anxiety questions.

Yesterday my youngest baby started school, thus leaving my 9-3 day quite free, and although it is only day 2 of my new found freedom I have been asked a few times what I will do, will I get a job? 
I always reply "Why yes I will look for a small job" because I think that's what people want to hear, why should I be a stay at home mum if my children are in school now?!
(My husband has his own business that I admin etc for, but I work for free, sort of, same pot and all that but it's not 'technically' working)

The problem is, I have a bad case of anxiety that I keep hidden from most of the world. 

From the outside view I am this bubbly larger lady, behind closed doors I am the girl who is funny to hide a multitude of anxieties and self loathing. 

I will probably blog about the trials and tribulations of my head at another time but for now here is a quick insight to the world of me; 

1. I think everyone dislikes me instantly because I am fat 
2. Meeting new people makes my heart beat out my chest and my voice tremble
3. Leaving the house is a daily battle. I'd rather be indoors. 
4. If my husband or friends are with me I am more confident 
5. I don't pick up the phone unless it's someone I know, even then I have to be in the mood to talk
6. I think people talk about me behind my back if I've said anything remotely controversial 
7. I hide all this from the world, I am a good actress

So as you can imagine the prospect of going to an interview or ringing up for a job TERRIFIES me. 
How do I get past this? 
How do I put myself out there? 

Baby steps. I think this may be the answer, however in my head I am just worried people will judge me for not getting a job straight away and staying at home, even though I do help run the family business. 

I am joining a Slimming World group on Tuesday, I text the lady and arranged to go so this to me is a HUGEEEEE deal, walking unknown into a place is something I rarely do, I'd never go to a group alone, but I think this is a baby step. I'm quite proud of myself I must say, but I'll be even more proud when I actually do it. Fingers crossed for me!

So my question this time is this;
How does one get over anxieties with the outside world?
Does anyone have any experience with this sort of anxiety?
and as a side note:
I'd love a job working from home doing bingo CM or chat help or something
does anyone know how to get into this?!

Au Revoir